14 Piece Shelley Wild Flower Coffee Set
Pot 21cm wide x 18cm high
Cup 7cm wide x 5cm high
Saucer 12cm diameter
20 Piece Crinoline Lady Tea Set
1 Cup As Found
26 Piece Shelley Tea Service
Large Plate 24cm wide x 3cm high x 21cm deep
Small Plate 16cm square
Can 10cm wide x 7cm high
40 Pieces Pure Deco Shelley Tea Service C1930's
Albert E Jones Palissy 41Piece Indian Tree Dinner Service C1937-40, with 4 extra damaged pieces
Aynsley Cake Plate in good order slight wear to edges measures 30cm x 23cm
Crinoline Lady Bowl has some slight wear of the gilt and some crazing but no chips or cracks measures 23cm
Crinoline Lady Side Plate in good order no chips or cracks measures 20cm
Crinoline Lady Sugar Bowl measures 6cm x 11cm in good order
Crown Devon China Jug
17cm wide x 19cm high
Crown Devon Cabinet plate in good order no chips or cracks measures 22.5cm
Crown Devon Cake Plate in good order no chips or cracks measures 27cm
Crown Devon Cake Tray has some wear from normal use and some crazing no chips or cracks measures 28cm x 22cm
Crown Devon Coffee Pot
As Found with Faults.
22cm wide x 21cm high
Crown Devon Leaf Dish in good order some wear to gilt on edges no chips or cracks measures 39cm x 13cm
Crown Devon Platter has some wear and crazing no chips or cracks measures 31cm x 23cm
Crown Devon Tea Pot Stand in good order minimal wear has some light crazing measures 17cm x 15cm
Crown Devon Tea Pot Stand some wear to gilt from normal use no chips or cracks measures 16cm
Crown Devon Tray in good order some crazing and normal wear measures 29cm x 19cm
Crown Ducal Biscuit Barrel in good order some wear to gilt no chips or cracks measures 15cm x 17cm
Crown Ducal Cake Plate in good order no chips or cracks measures 24cm
Crown Ducal Cake Plate in good order no chips or cracks measures 26cm
Crown Ducal Jardenier in good order no chips or cracks measures 16cm x 20cm
Crown Ducal Serving Bowl in good order some crazing and slight wear measures 23cm x 12cm
Edwardian China Egg Cruet C1900-10
18cm wide x 13cm high
Empire Ware Chintz Coffe Pot great condition measures 20cm high
Hammersley Cobalt blue dessert bowl C1912-39 stunningly decorated with fruit and gilting on a cobalt blue background in very good condition slight rubbing measures 22cm across
Hammersley Cobalt blue dessert bowl C1912-39 stunningly decorated with fruit and gilting on a cobalt blue background in very good condition slight rubbing measures 22cm across
Hammersley Cobalt blue dessert bowl C1912-39 stunningly decorated with fruit and gilting on a cobalt blue background in very good condition slight rubbing measures 22cm across
James Kent Du Barry Tea Pot great condition slightest wear to gilt on handle
Large Cast Iron Naples Urn & Stand. 90cm top dia, x 96cm high x 50cm sq base. Weight 125kg.
Large Crinoline Lady Bowl has some slight crazing but minimal wear measures 23cm x 6cm
Early C20th Maling Lozenge Shaped Serving Dish.
28cm wide x 3cm high x 20cm deep
Pair of Crown Ducal Servers in good order some wear from normal use no chips or cracks
Pair of Crown Ducal Servers in good order some wear from normal use no chips or cracks
Poole Ware Trio of cup saucer and plate in very nice condition.
Plate 18 cm diameter; cup 8 cm high.
Porcelain Shell Plate in very good order no chips or cracks no makers mark measures 25cm x 26cm
Radfords Chintz Cup & Saucer great condition no chips or cracks slightest of wear to the gilt from normal use
Royal Devon Cabinet Plate in good order no chips or cracks measures 22.5cm
Royal Imperial Bone China Trio great gilt no chips or cracks
Royal Winton Cake Plate good condition measures 20cm across
Royal Winton chromer chintz norman cup great condition measures 7cm x 8cm
Royal Winton Elanor Jug great condition measures 9.5cm x 10cm
Royal Winton Estelle Plate great condition measures 15.5cm across
Royal WInton Hazel Bowl great condition measures 27.5cm x 12 cm
Royal Winton Marguerite Chintz Sugar Bowl great condition measures 8.5cm x 9.5cm
Royal Worcester Jug C1909 Stunning little jug no chips,cracks or blemishes some slight crazing measuring 8.5cm x 12.5cm
Royal Worcester Trio C1909 stunning trio no chips,cracks or blemishes some crazing but minimal wear of gilt and overall very good condition for age
Sadler Crinoline Lady Tea Pot good condition no chips or cracks does have some slight wear of the gilt from normal use
Sadler Crinoline Lady Tea Pot in good order no chips or cracks measures 12cm x 22cm
Sadler Crinoline Tea Pot measures 12cm x 23cm
Set of 33 Pieces of Wedgwood Mimosa Bone China
Set of 4 Crown Devon Side Plates in good order some crazing measures 15.5cm
Set of 4 Garden House China Crinoline lady
Set of 6 Crown Devon Bowls in good order some wear and crazing measures 19cm
Set of 6 Crown Ducal Dessert Bowl in good order no chips or cracks has normal wear and slight crazing measures 14cm
Set of 7 Continental China Bowls C1930's in very good order no chips or cracks
Shelley 8 piece Cabaret Set stunning set in excellent condition no chips or cracks
20 Piece Shelley Wild Flower Tea Set
Plate 18cm diameter
Can 9cm wide x 6cm high
Saucer 12cm diameter
Lovely Quality Vintage Royal Doulton 45 Piece Sherborne Dinner Service. All in Lovely Condition.
Royal Winton Jam Pot excellent condition measures 7cm x 7cm
Royal Winton Marguerite Chintz Trio beautiful condition no chips or cracks
Royal Winton Trio some crazing and one slight chip to cup lip