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Clocks-Barometers For Sale


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+61 3 54705989

Address: 5 Elizabeth St. Castlemaine VIC 3450 Australia

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The Automobilia & Garagenalia Is Housed In Our Separate Working Musuem Section Of The XXXX Antique Complex And Has Been From The Beginning Of 2015.r. This Section Only, Is Subject To A $5.00 Entry Charge Which Will Be Refundable On Any Purchase Of $5.00 And Over Through Out The Complex.


Please view photos as they form most of the description, due to varying shipping costs from state to state shipping prices will be calculated at the end of your check out and a reply email will be sent to you.

 A Lovely Edwardian 3pc China Clock Set #
A Lovely Edwardian 3pc China Clock Set
Large Part 32cm wide x 40cm high x 13cm deep
small parts 19cm wide x 38cm high
1930's Art Deco Oak Round Brass Face Longcase Clock. #
1930's Art Deco Oak Round Brass Face Longcase Clock. With Triple Weight 5 Tube Strike 8 Day Movement..
198cm high 55cm wide x 35cm deep.
20th Century Longcase Clock 8 Day 1/4 Hour Westminster Chime Movement  #
20th Century Longcase Clock 8 Day 1/4 Hour Westminster Chime Movement has been Serviced
40cm wide x 182cm high x 25cm deep
3 Piece Art Deco Marble Clock Set..
A Very Pleasant 3 Piece Art Deco Marble Clock Set.. Mounted by a pair of Love Birds.. Clock has been Serviced.
45cm wide x 36cm high x 11cm deep
A Small Antique French Brass Carriage Clock  #
A Small Late C19th Antique French Brass Carriage Clock, Movement has been serviced.
A Very Large Antique profusely carved oak barometer. #
A Very Large Antique profusely carved oak barometer the twelve-inch round silvered dial engraved with the makers details T& H Doublet, 4 City Road, London, the oak case carved with foliate decoration, with fruit to the sides and a female figure with snakes entwined below the dial, with a thermometer set within the trunk, height: 153cm x 62cm wide
Antique 19th Century French Brass Repeater Carriage Clock.
A Quality Antique 19th Century French Brass Repeater Carriage Clock with Original Leather Travelling Case & Key..
Movement has been serviced. 15cm high.
Antique French Sphere Clock. #
Antique French Sphere Clock Supported on 5 Gilt Cherubs, Mounted on White Marble Base..
23cm wide x 48cm high x 23cm deep
Antique Mahogany French Empire Portico Clock. #
Antique Mahogany French Empire Neoclassical Portico Clock with Ormolu Bronze Mounts,, 8 Day Movement Half Hour Chime.. Rare with the Original Glass Dome.
WORKING.. 66cm high x 31cm wide x 21 deep.
Antique Mahogany Inlaid  Banjo Barometer.
Antique Mahogany Inlaid Banjo Barometer.Porcelain dial, English C1900. 90cm tall
Antique Marble-Slate Mantle Clock. #
A Large Antique Marble-Slate Mantle Clock Featuring 8 Columns with Pressed Brass Curved Panels to the Sides. Dated 1907 ...... 8 Day - one half and one hour chime movement which has been serviced. A very nice original example.. 52cm wide x 20cm deep x 38cm high.
Art Deco Clock With 2 Spelter Deer On A Marble Base
Art Deco clock with 2 spelter deer on a marble base.
22 cm high, 55 cm wide, 12 cm deep
Art Deco G/M Clock 8 Day 1/4 Hour Movement #
Art Deco G/M Clock 8 Day 1/4 Hour Movement has been Serviced
30cm wide x 137cm high x 20cm deep
Art Deco Marble 8 Day Mantel Clock #
Stunning Art Deco Marble 8 Day Mantel Clock
Needs Service
48cm wide x 37cm high x 13cm deep
Art Deco Marble and Spelter Clock ---
Art deco marble and spelter clock with French 8 day movement.
26 cm high, 31 cm wide, 11 cm deep
Art Deco Marble Mantle Clock with Siberian Husky, #
Art Deco Marble Mantle Clock, Top Mounted with a Silvered Siberian Husky, 8 Day Movement half hour bell strike movement. REQUIRES SERVICE.
39cm wide x 31cm high x 20cm deep
Art Deco Rouge & Black Marble 3 Piece Steeple Clock Set. #
Art Deco Rouge & Black Marble 3 Piece Steeple Clock Set with Applied Gilt Grapes, 8 Day 1/2 hour Movement that has been Serviced. 30cm wide x 30cm high x 10cm deep.
Art Deco Spelter and Marble Clock
Art Deco spelter and marble clock with 8-day movement. Figure depicting Play Time. c1930
38 cm high, 37 cm wide, 11 cm deep.
Art Deco Spelter and Marble Clock Set with Glass Urns.
Spelter and Marble Clock Set with Glass Urns & Ibex in the manner of Dauvagne. C1930 French
Clock piece: 32 cm tall, 54 cm wide, 15 cm deep
Side pieces (each): 16 cm diameter
Art Deco Walnut Grandmother Clock. #
A Lovely Art Deco Walnut Grandmother Clock. Time Working, Chime Needs Attention. SOLD AS FOUND.
Blue Gillette Blades Advertising Enamel Wall Thermometer
A 20th century 'Blue Gillette Blades' Advertising Enamel Wall Thermometer and Aneroid Barometer, The Blue two-tone Front Mounted on an Oak Wall Plaque. WONDERFUL CONDITION.
16cm wide x 70cm high x 3cm deep
C19th French Marble & Gilt 3 Piece Clock Set.
Late C19th French Marble & Gilt Spelter 3 Piece Clock Set. 8 day movement, chimes on the Hour & half Hour.
Movement has been serviced and comes with a 6 month Guarantee. 43cm high x 20cm wide x 12cm deep.
Classic Bensons & Hedges Advertising Wall Clock, Working. #
Classic Bensons & Hedges Advertising Wall Clock, Working. 36cm wide x 50cm high.
Early 20th Century Dual Carriage Clock-Barometer
Early 20th Century Dual Carriage Clock-Barometer
Oval Brass Base.
French 8 Day Movement.
15cm wide
11.5cm tall
Early 20th Century Striking Brass Carriage Clock.#
Early 20th Century Striking Brass Carrige Clock
11cm tall
Early 20th Century Walnut 8 Day Mantle Clock
Early 20th Century Walnut 8 Day Mantle Clock measures 24cm x 18cm x 12cm clock is working but has not been serviced
Early C19th Banjo Barometer
Early C19th Rosewood Banjo Barometer. This barometer is a good original example.
Early C20th English Oak Barometer C1930. #
Early C20th English Oak Barometer C1930.
80cm high x 16cm wide.
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. With Westminster Chime Movement. ( SERVICED ).
33cm wide x 170cm high.
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock 8 Day 1/4 Hour Westminster Chime Movement.. ( SERVICED )
162cm high x 36cm wide x 22cm deep.
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. Requires Service..1060cm high x 33cm wide x 25cm deep.
Early C20th English Walnut Grandmother Clock. #
Early C20th English Walnut Grandmother Clock with a 8 Day 1/4 Hour Westminster Chime Movement..
175cm high x 36cm wide x 24cm deep.
Early C20th Mahogany Long Case Clock #
Early C20th Mahogany 8 Day Quarter Hour Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock with a Arched Silvered Dial. Movement has been serviced.
167cm high x 30cm wide x 22cm deep.
Early C20th Oak Brass Face Grand Mother Clock. #
Early C20th Oak Brass Face Grand Mother Clock. With Half Hour Strike Movement. 165cm high x 40cm wide x 25cm deep.
Early C20th Oak Brass Face Grandmother Clock. #
Early C20th Oak Brass Square Face Grandmother Clock with a Quarter Hour Westminster Chime Movement.
Very nice example. 165cm high x 45cm wide x 31cm deep
Early C20th Oak Long Case Clock, Brass Square Dial. #
Early C20th Oak Long Case Clock, Brass Square Dial., 1/4 hour 8 day movement, Not Serviced.
46cm wide x 30cm deep x 193cm high.
Early C20th Silvered Dial Long Case Clock. #
Early C20th Silvered Dial English Oak Long Case Clock. 3 Weight 1/4 hour Serviced Movement. 198cm High.
Early C20th Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock.#
Early C20th 8 Day Quarter Hour Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock with a Arched Silvered Dial.
167cm high x 30cm wide x 22cm deep.
Early Ford 6Volt Dash Clock
Early Ford 6Volt Dash Clock, has not been tested,
Face 5.5 cm diameter, Clock Width 9 cm
Genuine Castrol L Enamel Advertising Thermometer #
Genuine Castrol L Enamel Advertising Thermometer. Glass tube repaired otherwise in wonderful condition.
17cm wide x 67cm high
Genuine Shell Desk Top Clock. Dated 1996.
Genuine Shell Promotional Desk Top Clock. Working & Dated 1996.
Jaz Clock Double Sided Enamel Advertising Sign
Jaz Clock Double Sided Enamel Advertising Sign
60cm wide x 49cm high
Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Aneroid Barometer.
Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Aneroid Barometer. From Selfridge of London.
105cm high x 32cm wide.
Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Aneroid Barometer.
Large Late Victorian Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Aneroid Barometer. R & J Beck ltd 68 Cornhill London.
105cm high x 32cm wide.
Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Mercury Barometer. #
Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Mercury Barometer. Negretti & Zambra .. 1 Hellon Garden--59 Cornhill--122 Regent St---155 Fleet St LONDON.
110cm high x 35cm wide..
Mercury Glass Tube Requires Attention.
Large Antique Decorative Mahogany Carved  Mercury Barometer.
Lovely Quality Large Antique Decorative Carved Mahogany Mercury Barometer. 110cm high x 35cm wide.
Mercury Glass Tube Requires Attention.
Large Antique Early C20th Banjo Barometer #
A Very Large and Impressive Antique Early C20th Banjo Barometer.
39cm wide x 118cm high
Large C19th French 8 Day Carriage Clock,
Large Antique Brass French 8 Day Carriage Clock. Sold as found with NO GARANTEE, Clock is WORKING. Hence the price.
Late C19th Oak Bracket Clock.#
A Quality Late C19th Oak Bracket Clock with 1/4 hour 8 day movement.,, Movement has been serviced.
42cm tall
30cm wide
19cm deep
Lovely Small Early C20th Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Lovely Small Early C20th ( Jan 16th 1933 ) Oak Grandmother Clock. Brass Arched Dial with 1/4 hour Westminster Chime Movement ( has been serviced ).
32cm wide x 20cm deep 167cm high.
Mid 20th Century Mahogany Grand Father Clock
Mid 20th Century Mahogany Long Case Clock with a 8 day 1/4 hour Westminster chime movement, has been serviced, and come with a 6mths g/tee. 174cm high.
Nut Brown Tobacco Enamel Advertising Thermometer Sign
Nut Brown Tobacco Enamel Advertising Thermometer Sign . Lovely clean example.
18cm wide x 57cm high
Original Vintage Black Champion Spark Plug Wall Clock. #
Original Vintage Black Champion Spark Plug Wall Clock. Small Nick to Back of Top Return. 30cm wide x 47cm high.
Quality Antique English Oak Grandmother Clock.
Quality Antique English Oak Grandmother Clock. Arched Dial 1/4 hour Westminster Chime Movement.
167cm high x 32cm wide x 24cm deep.
Quality Antique English Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Quality Antique English Oak Grandmother Clock. Brass Square Dial, 1/4 hour Westminster Movement.
173cm high x 33cm wide x 19cm deep.
SMALL Classic AT &T Tin Thermometer.
SMALL Classic AT &T Tin Thermometer. 33cm high.
Small Classic LP Gas Plastic Thermometer.
Small Classic LP Gas Plastic Thermometer. 23cm high,
SMALL Classic Midland LP Gas Tin Thermometer.
SMALL 1976 Classic Midland LP Gas Tin Thermometer. 33cm high.
Spendia Paris Champion Helmet Wall Clock Retailers Display .#
Spendia Paris Champion Spark Plug Helmet Wall Clock Retailers Showroom Display, Rare and in Lovely Condition.
Spendia Paris Champion Spark Plug Helmet Wall Clock.
Spendia Paris Champion Spark Plug Helmet Wall Clock Retailers Showroom Display,
Stunning Antique 3 Piece French Marble Clock Set. #
Stunning Antique 3 Piece French Marble Garniture Clock Set. Top Mounted with a Bronze Eagle and Adorned with Decorative Gilt Bronze Plaques & Handles. 8 Day One hour & Half hour bell strike Movement.. Maker is the well known Samuel Marti ( Medal Winner ) and dated 1900 Paris. Clock is 60cm high x 35cm wide x 15cm deep.
Stunning Gilt Bronze French Cartel Clock. #
Stunning Gilt Bronze French Cartel Clock. Stamped Japy Freres, 8 day movement 1/2 hour chime ( SERVICED )
48cm high.
Stunning Quality Late 19th Century English Walnut Barometer
Stunning Quality Late 19th Century English Walnut Barometer
Vintage Craven A Smith Sectric Advertising Wall Clock. #
Vintage Craven A Smith Sectric Advertising Wall Clock. Has Not Been Tested.
Vintage German Made Wooden Propeller Clock.
Vintage German Made Wooden Propeller Clock. WORKING. 55cm wide.
Vintage Giltwood Hand Carved Sunburst Wall Clock. #
Vintage Giltwood Hand Carved Sunburst Wall Clock. Has Been Serviced. 62cm dia.
Vintage K.L.G Plugs Smiths Sectric Workshop Wall Clock. #
Vintage K.L.G Plugs Smiths Sectric Tin Fronted Workshop Wall Clock. 27cm wide x 36cm high.
Vintage Mahogany Arched Dial Grandmother Clock. #
Vintage Mahogany Arched Dial Grandmother Clock. 1/4 hour Westminster Movement. English Mahogany Case.
168cm high x 36cm wide x 24cm deep.
Vintage Pepsi Wall Clock Impact International Plastic Woodgrain 1970s
Vintage Genuine Milk Bar Pepsi Wall Clock Impact International Plastic Woodgrain 1970s. 110 volt American Movement, ( not tested ). In great condition. 35cm wide x 52cm high.
Wonderful Quality Antique French Bronze Mantle Clock. #
Wonderful Quality Cherub Mounted Antique French Bronze Mantle Clock. 8 Day Movement 1/2 hour Strike, (Serviced).
50cm high x 28cm wide x 24cm deep.
 Art Deco French Spelter, Marble and Onyx Clock Set.
Art Deco 3 piece clock set, decorated with marble balls and mounted with a spelter pigeon, 8 day movement and bell chime.
 Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut  Mercury Barometer.#
Lovely Quality Large Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Mercury Barometer. 110cm high x 35cm wide.
Mercury Glass Tube Requires Attention.
1930's Oak Arch Dial Westminster Chime Grand Mother Clock, #
1930's Oak Brass Arch Dial Westminster Chime Grand Mother Clock, ( Serviced ).. 37cm wide 172cm high.
1930's Oak Brass Arch Dial Westminster Chime Grand Mother Clock, #
1930's Oak Brass Arch Dial Westminster Chime Grand Mother Clock, ( Serviced ). 32cm wide x 170cm high.
19th Century Double Weight Vienna Regulator Clock
Late19th Century Double Weight Vienna Regulator Clock Attributed to Gustav Becker. Comes with a Full Service and a 6 months G/tee on the Movement.
A good quality early 20th century BRUFORD & SON  British Grandfather clock.
A good quality early 20th century BRUFORD & SON British Grandfather clock. 8-day weight driven movement with quarter hour Westminster & Whittington chime , Brass dial with Silvered chapter ring. Mahogany case with inlaid detail features molded Swan neck pediment with Brass finials above an arched dial door with Restored finish with only slight wear, movement recently overhauled, running and striking correctly
Condition Report: Restored finish with only slight wear, movement recently overhauled, running and striking correctly. 53cm wide x 36cm deep x 245cm high.
A Quality Art Deco Dome Top Longcase Clock. #
A Quality Art Deco Dome Top Longcase Clock. Round Dial 8 Day Movement with Quarter hour Westminster Chime. Glazed Door with a Barometer Insert.. A Lovely Example.. 193cm high x 46cm wide x 28m deep.
Comes with a 6 months warrantee on the movement.
A Ship Binnacle Housing a Compass
A Ship Binnacle Housing a Compass . Binnacle No3128K Patt 1830V..Compass No879H Patt 0919.
32cm wide x 80cm high
A Ship Binnacle Housing a Compass
A Ship Binnacle Housing a Compass , Binnacle No2148W Patt 1830V,... Compass No22893B Patt183 , weight 23 lbs
30cm wide x 72cm high
Antique French Comtoise Long Case Clock. #
Antique French Comtoise Long Case Clock. Painted Pine Case in the Harvest Theme, 7 Day Movement with a Gong Strike, Brass & Enamel Face Dial. Signed on Clock Face and Clock Case, J BURGEOT & A ERUNEE.
Circa 1880-1900
Antique Oak Brass Face Longcase Clock. #
A Lovely Quality Antique Oak Brass Square Face Longcase Clock. 1/4 hour 8 Day Westminster Chime Movement. 180cm high x 45cm wide x 27cm deep.
Art Deco Burr Walnut Westminster Chime Grand Mother Clock. #
A Lovely Small Art Deco Burr Walnut Westminster Chime Grand Mother Clock. ( SERVICED ) With Sterling Silver Presentation Plaque dated 1939.. 25cm wide x 142cm high.
Art Deco French Marble Mantle Clock.#
Art Deco French Marble Mantle Clock. With a serviced 8 day 12 hour bell strike movement.
50cm wide x 22cm high x 11cm deep
Art Deco Marble 8 Day Mantel Clock #
Wonderful Quality Art Deco Marble 8 Day Mantel Clock
55cm wide x 38cm high x 15cm deep
C20th Giltwood Cartel Clock.. 8 day movement #
Lovely Quality C20th Giltwood Cartel Clock.. 8 day movement with a convex enamel dial.
90 cm high x 47cm wide
Classic Champion Spark Plug Coffin Shape Wall Clock.
Classic Champion Spark Plug Coffin Shape Wall Clock.
30cm wide x 42cm high.
Early 20th Century Miniature Brass Carriage Clock.#
Early 20th Century Miniature Brass Carriage Clock
7.5cm tall
Early C19th Flame Mahogany Longcase Clock. #
Early C19th Flame Mahogany Longcase Clock with a 8 day Movement Arch Painted Dial,
Early C20th Brass Face Mahogany Grandmother Clock #
Early C20th Brass Face Mahogany Grandmother Clock with a 8 day 1/4 hour Westminster Chime Movement which has been serviced.. Lovely Quality..
170cm high x 32cm wide x 21cm deep.
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock.
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. With Arched Brass Dial, Westminster Chime Movement, ( SERVICED ).
34cm wide x 158cm high.
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Early C20th English Oak Grandmother Clock. 1/4 hour 8 day Westminster chime movement.. Movement has been serviced and comes with 6mth G/tee.
32cm wide x 167cm high x 20cm deep
Early C20th English Oak Long Case Clock. #
Early C20th English Carved Oak Long Case Clock. With 3 weight 1/4 Movement, Arched Brass & Silvered Dial.
205cm high... NOTE CLOCK IS NOT WORKING AND SOLD AS FOUND,,Hence the Price.
Early C20th Oak Brass Face Grandmother Clock.
Early C20th Barley Twist Oak Brass Face Grandmother Clock. 8 Day Quarter hour Westminster Chime Movement.
Has been serviced and come with a 6 months Warrantee.
163cm high x 35cm wide x 23cm deep.
Early C20th Oak Long Case Clock With 8 Day 1/4 Hour Movement #
Early C20th Oak Long Case Clock With 8 Day 1/4 Hour Movement
43cm wide x 192cm high x 28cm deep
Extremely Rare French Iron Cased Comtoise Clock 7`6`` Tall C1900
Extremely Rare French iron cased Comtoise Clock with a 8 day repeater Movement. 233cm tall c1900. Wonderful Rare Iron Case Example.
French Art Deco Clock Set
French 3 piece art deco marble and spelter clock set, 8 day movement 1/2 strike...efdwah
French Spelter and Marble Clock. 1910-20
Art Deco French spelter and marble clock. Movement has been serviced.
40 cm high, 52 cm wide, 22 cm deep
Genuine Dunhill Cigarettes Milk Bar Advertising Wall Clock.
Genuine Dunhill Cigarettes Milk Bar Advertising Wall Clock.
20cm wide x 36cm high.
Large Antique Black Marble-Slate Mantle Clock #
Large Antique Black Marble-Slate Mantle Clock with a French 8 Day Movement Coil Striking Chime. A Chip Repair to Top Corner.
51cm wide x 50cm high x 16cm deep
Lovely Quality Late Victorian Inlaid Walnut Longcase Clock. #
Lovely Quality Late Victorian Inlaid Walnut Longcase Clock with a 8 Day Arched Brass Face, 3 Weight, 5 Tube Westminster Chime Movement.
240cm high x 50cm wide x 33cm deep.
Pink Glass Art Deco Walther & Sohne 'Waltraut' Clock #
Pink Glass Art Deco Walther & Sohne 'Waltraut' Clock
Working Condition
Quality Antique French 4 glass 4 column marble and brass 3 piece clock set, #
A quality Antique French 4 glass 4 column marble and brass 3 piece clock set, mercury pendulum. Surmounted with a Spelter Lion. Circa 1890.
The French movement is by " Japy Freres Medal of Honour and has the makers mark on the movement back plate. It is of the makers usual high quality and is in excellent clean and running condition having been overhauled by our clock maker. Pendulum is original. It runs for 8 days and strikes the hours and halves on the gong. 30cm wide x 38cm high x 16cm deep.
Rare Original Vintage BLUE Champion Spark Plug Wall Clock.#
Rare Original Vintage BLUE Champion Spark Plug Wall Clock.
Small Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Aneroid Barometer. ##
Small Antique Decorative Carved Walnut Aneroid Barometer.
85cm high x 28cm wide.
Solid Oak Glazed Door Round Dial Long Case Clock #
Solid Oak Glazed Door, Round Dial Long Case Clock with Triple Brass Weights & Westminster Chime Movement. Very Nice Example. ( Serviced ) 50cm wide x 200cm high.
Circa 1930-40's
Stunning Art Deco English Oak Grandmother Clock. #
Stunning Art Deco English Oak Grandmother Clock. Arched Brass Dial, 8 Day 1/4 hour Movement, Wonderful Quality. 178cm high x 35cm wide x 28cm deep.
Stunning Early C20th Mahogany Longcase Clock. #
Stunning Early C20th Elkington & Co, Mahogany Longcase Clock. This wonderful example has 5 tube quarter hour striking movement.. Brass and silvered arched face, astragal glazed front door.. This clock was presented to Dr Thomas W Parry in 1914.
230cm high x 55cm wide x 40cm deep.
Vintage Brass French 8 Day Carriage Clock. #
Vintage Brass French 8 Day Carriage Clock. "BAYARD 9 JEWELS" REQUIRES SERVICE, Clock is Working but Running Slow.
Vintage National Time Recorder from Bristol Aircraft Ltd.
Vintage National Time Recorder Co Ltd St Mary Cray Kent England. Originally from Bristol Aircraft Ltd. Comes with Original Key and Clocking In Card Rack.. Has Just had a $500.00 service to Clock Movement.
98cm high x 36cm wide 29cm deep.
Vintage Oak Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock. #
Vintage Oak Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock.
33cm wide x 20cm deep x 165cm high. ( Serviced ).
Wakefield Castrol "Z" Enamel Advertising Thermometer Sign
Wakefield Castrol "Z" Enamel Advertising Thermometer Sign, Great gloss and colour.
23cm wide x 76cm high