25g Mahogany Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin.
25g Mahogany Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin.
25g Mahogany Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin.
50 Redheads Extra-Long Matches Box.With some spent matches.
Abdulla Imperial Preference Cigarette Tin
14cm wide
Abdullah No.7 "Virginia" 50 Cigarette Tin
Adkin & Sons Nut Brown Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
AGIO Meharis Cigarette Tin
Agio Panatella Coronitas Tin Advertising Sign
40cm wide x 30cm high
Album of 110 Collectors Match Books & Boxes.
Album of 148 Vintages Match Boxes.
Antique Bell & Co No4 Vestas Match Tin.
Antique C1900 Copes Fine Cigaretos (The Peerless Brand ) Wooden Pictorial Adv Box...
24cm wide x 15cm deep x 42cm high.
This is a Stunning Example of a Antique Dr Lovelaces Soap Framed Pictorial Advertising Card. 66cm x 54cm
Antique Duncan's Wax Vestas Melbourne Matches Tin.
Antique Shop Wall Cabinet for Duncans Pipes of Quality. Made by Frank Davidson Ltd Manchester.
80xm wide x 15cm deep x 103cm high.
Antique St Julian Tobacco Framed Advertising Sign. Stunning graphics. 42cm x 54cm.
Antique The Commonwealth Match Works Pty Ltd. Wax Vestas Tin.
A Stunning Antique Oak Framed and Glazed W D + H O Wills of Bristol + London Pictorial Tobacco Showcard. Wonderful Example of early Advertising..
52cm wide x 62cm high.
Ardath ( Sydney ) Specials Cigarette Can. W D & H O Will's Cork Tipped.
Ardath Tobacco State Express 20 Cigarettes tin
Army Club Sandhurst size 50 Cigarettes Tin
Art Deco Brown Bakelite Ash Tray
Balkan Sobranie Virginian No 10 Tobacco Can.
Barneys Ideal Tobacco Tin
Belfuma Cigars Shop Display Card
24cm tall
BELLS No 4 Wax Vestas Tin.
BELLS Waterproof Wax Vestas Tin.
BELLS Waterproof Wax Vestas Tin.
Bergougnan Ashtray Rubber Tyre With Original Heavy Glass Insert
Bond Of Union Smoking Mixture Tobacco Tin
13cm wide
Bond Of Union Smoking Mixture Tobacco Tin
13cm wide
British Cut tobacco Tin
14cm wide
Bulwark Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
Bulwark Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
17cm wide
Bulwark Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
C W S Mahogany Flake Tobacco Can. Paper Label.
Capstan Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Capstan Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Capstan Navy Cut Tobacco Tin W.D.& H.O. Wills
Capstan Navy Cut Tobacco Tins W.D.& H.O. Wills
Carven "A" Cork-Tipped Virginia Carreras Limited Cigarettes Tin
Chesterfield Cigarette Tin
15cm wide
10cm deep
Churchmans A1 Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
A Churchmans Top Score Cigarettes Pictorial Cricket Framed Shop Advertising Display Card.82cm x 60cm
Churchmans Wireless Mixture Tobacco Tin
Churmans No 1 Cigarette Tin
Classic Bensons & Hedges Advertising Wall Clock, Working. 36cm wide x 50cm high.
St Julien Virginia Blend Tobacco tin.
COL. 15 Safety Matches
COL. 1960's Lucky Brand No.500 Tobacco Tin
1oz Balkan Sobranie Flake Tobacco Tin.
2oz Balkan Sobranie Flake Tobacco Tin.
2oz Balkan Sobranie Flake Tobacco Tin.
555 State Express Cigarettes Tin.
COL. A. Batschari Cigarettes Sleipner Tobacco Tin
COL. Abdulla Cigarettes Tin
COL. Abdullah Imperial Tobacco Tin
COL. Adkin & Sons' Nut Brown Tobacco Tin
COL. Afton Major Cigarettes Tin
COL. Aida Albadi Tobacco Tin
COL. Aiston Luxe Muratti Tobacco Tin
COL. Alba Egyptiennes Cigarettes Tin
COL. Allen & Hanburys Tobacco Tin
COL. America Webster Cigar Company Tobacco in
Antique Abdin Palace Egyptian Cigarette Tin. With Original Paper Label.
COL. Antique C.S.S.A Cigarettes Paper Label Tin
COL. Ardath Cigarettes Tin
A Vintage ARDATH London High Class Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Army & Navy Cigarettes
COL. Army Club Sandhurst Tobacco Tin
COL. Army Club Tobacco Tin
Vintage Ashton Cork Tipped Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Atos Auslese Pictorial Cigarettes Tin
COL. Au Bon Fumeur Neb-Ka Pictorial Cigarettes Tin
Australian Benson & Hedges Special Filter Cigarette Tin.
B.D.V. Extra Mild Cork Tipped Cigarettes Tin.
COL. B.Morris & Sons Gold Leaf Honey Dew Tobacco Tin
COL. Balkan Sobranie Cigarettes Tin
COL. Balkan Sobranie Tobacco Tin
Benson & Hedges 50, Cigarettes Tin.
Benson & Hedges Tobacco Tin. Special Smoking Mixture.
COL. Benson & Hedges Virginia Rounds Cigarettes Tin
COL. Benton Mixture Turkish Virginia Tobacco Tin
COL. Black & White Tobacco Tin
COL. Black Cat Virginia Cigarettes Tin
COL. Bond Street Tobacco Tin
COL. British Consols Cigarettes Tin
COL. Bulwark Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
COL. Burley and Bright Half and Half Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. C.W.Obel Sailor Brand Tobacco Tin
COL. C.W.S Dark Virginia Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
COL. C.W.S Mahogany Rich Dark Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. California Nugget Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Capstan Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
Capstan Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin.
Capstan Navy Cut Tobacco Tin.
Capstan Special Mild Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Captain Black Large Tobacco Tin
COL. Caravelli's Freres Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Caravellis Freres Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Carreras Clubs Cigarette Holder
COL. Chantecler Cigarette Papers Dispenser
COL. Christo Cassimis Egyptians Cigarettes Tin
Paper Labels
COL. Churchman's Tortoiseshell Cigarettes Box (Card)
COL. Churchman's Virginia Tobacco Tin
COl. Churchmans A1 Virginia Tobacco Tin
COL. Cigarettes Egyptiennes Tobacco Tin
COL. Clysma Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Cogetama Fameux Tobacco Tin
COL. Cohen Weenen Afrikander Colonial Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Cohen Weenen Afrikander Colonial Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Columbine Brand Tobacco Tin
COL. Cooltipt Tobacco Tin
COL. Cope's Bond of Union Tobacco Tin
COL. Cope's Navy De Luxe Tobacco Tin
COL. Cope's Royal Club Tobacco Tin
COL. Cordon Bleu Maison Mara-Maris Tobacco Tin
COL. Craven "A" Tobacco Tin
COL. Craven Empire De Luxe Mixture Tobacco Tin
COL. Cupid Bouquet Little Cigars Alpin Tobacco Tin
COL. Darling Gold Tipped Cigarettes Tin
COL. Davros Cigarettes Tin
COL. Davros Ronde Cigarettes Tin
De Reszke The Aristocrat of Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Dill's Best Tobacco Tin
COL. Dimitrino & Co Cigarette Tin Circa 1910
COL. Dimitrino & Co De Tabacs Caire Pictorial Tobacco Tin
COL. Donniford Blend Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Du George Havana Stokjes Tobacco Tin
COL. Dubec A.G.Couis Cairo Malta Cigarettes Tin
COL. Duc George Havna Stokjes Tobacco Tin
COL. Duchess Cigarettes Tin
COL. Dunhill Black Aromatic Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Dunhill Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. ED. Laurens Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Ed. Laurens Scarabee Tobacco Tin
COL. Ed. Laurens Tobacco Tin
COL. Ed. Laurens Wiesbaden Prince De Monaco Tobacco Tin
COL. Edgeworth Extra High Grade Ready-Rubbed Tobacco Tin
COL. Edgeworth Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Edgeworth Plug Slice Tobacco Tin
COL. Edgeworth Tobacco Tin
COL. Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Eisenlohr's Cinco Cigars Tin
COL. El Verso Cigar Tin Amrican C1900
COL. Emerson Tobacco Tin
Amrican C1900
COL. Erinmore Tobacco Tin
COL. Ermeler Shag German Tobacco Tin
COL. Esquire Cube Cut Pipe Tobacco Tin
With Contents
COL. Exmoor Hunt Broad Cut Tobacco Tin
COL. F.R. Freeman Hamlet Mild Cigars Tin
COL. Fabians Eram-Khayyam Cigarettes Tin
A Vintage Fairweather's Cur Golden Bar Tobacco Tin.
COL. Fatima Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Faulkner Tom long Tobacco Tin
COL. Faulkner Tom Long Tobacco Tin
COL. Flying Dutchman Tobacco Tin
COL. Fodia Cigarettes Tin
COL. Four Square Virginia Tobacco Tin
COL. Foursome Mixture Robert Sinclair Tobacco Tin
COL. Franklyn's Mild Tobacco Tin
COL. Freres Cairo Egyptian Tobacco Tin
G. Phillips & Sons Grand Cut Virginia Tobacco Tin
G. Phillips & Sons Grand Cut Virginia Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher Harlequin Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher's Rich Dark Tobacco Tin
Godfrey Phillips Grand Cut Tobacco Tin
COL. Gold Block Canada Tobacco Tin
COL. Gold Flake Cigarettes Tin
COL. Gold Hut Tobacco Tin
COL. Golden Virginia Tobacco Tin
COL. Granger Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Havadoa Zigarillos No.6 Tobacco Tin
Havelock Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin.
COL. Hercegovsky Flor Tobacco Tin
COL. Hofnar Matinata Tobacco Tin
COL. Hofnar Piccolo tobacco Tin
COL. Hofnar Splendid Tobacco Tin
COL. Honey Dew Tobacco Tin
COL. Honeydew Cigarettes Tin
COL. J.G.Dill's Best Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
COL. James Carlton Tobacco Tin
COL. Jaycee Cigarettes Tin
COL. John Middleton Regimental Tobacco Tin
COL. John Sinclair Tobacco Tin
COL. John Wood's Cigarettes Tin
COL. Jose Tinchant Y Gonzales S.A :"Le Soir" Help Yourself Cigar Tin
COL. Jubile Cigarettes Tin
COL. K.K.Tabak Regie Superfein Turkischer Pictorial Tobacco Tin
Vintage KAY-GEE Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin.
Kentucky Club Mixture Tobacco Tin.
COL. King George Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Kyriazi Freres Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Kyriazi Freres Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. La Aurora Tobacco Tin
Lambert & Butler Weaver Brand Tobacco Tin.
COL. lambert & Butler's Straight Cut Virginia Cigarettes Tin
COL. Lambert & Butler's Waverley Mixture Tobacco Tin
COL. Large State Express Cigarettes Tin
COL. Latakia Blend Tobacco Tin
COL. Le Khedive E.d Laurens Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Le Khedive Ed. Laurens Égyptiennes Cigarettes Tin
COL. COL. Le Khedive Ed. Laurens Égyptiennes Cigarettes Tin
COL. Le Khedive Ed. Laurens Égyptiennes Cigarettes Tin
COL. Lloyds Bondman Tobacco Tin
COL. Lloyds Bondman Tobacco Tin
COL. London Dock Tobacco Tin
COL. Lotus Nestor GIanaclis Caire Egypte Tobacco Tin
Vintage Lucky Choice Cig Tin.
COL. Lucky Strike Cigarettes Tin
COL. M.Melachrino & Co. Tobacco Tin
COL. M.Melachrino Egyptian Cigarettes Tobacco Tin
COL. Mac Baren Tobacco Tin
COL. Mac Baren's Golden Blend Tobacco Tin
COL. Mac Baren's Plum Cake Tobacco Tin
COL. Mac Baren's Plum Cake Tobacco Tin
COL. Mac Baren's Tobacco Tin
COL. Mal-Kah Cigarettes Tin
Marcovitch Black & White Cigarette Tin.
Marcovitch Black & White Cigarette Tin.
COL. Marcovitch Black & White Cigarettes Tin.
Martins Non Throat Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Maspero Freres Egyptian Antique Paper Label Tobacco Tin
COL. Matabele Mixture Rhodesia & South Africa Tobacco Tin
Maxims De Paris Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Mcdonald's VIrginia Tobacco Tin
COl. Meadowland Cigarettes Virginia Tobacco Tin
COL. Melachrino Cigarettes Tobacco Tin
COL. Melachrino Egyptian Paper Label Tobacco Tin
COL. Mercedes A.Batschari Cigarettes Tin
COL. Mitchell Tam O'Shanter" Tobacco Tin
COL. Mitchell's Golden Dawn Flake Tobacco Tin
With Original Pape Label
COL. Mitchell's Prize Crop Cigarettes Tin
COL. Modesta Ernst Casimir Tobacco Tin
COL. Mokatta Gold Shag Tobacco Tin
COL. Monkey Boy Bidis Tobacco Tin
COL. Muratti Ariston Tobacco Tin
COL. Muratti Cigarettes Tin
COL. Muratti's After Lunch Cigarettes Tin
COL. Muriel Senators Cigar Tin
COL. Murray's Erinmore Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Mustapha Kemal Pasha Turkish Tobacco Tin
COL. Nestor Gianaclis Egyptiennes Tobacco Tin
COL. Nestor Queen Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Nicolas Sarony Cigarettes Tin
COL. Niemeyer Flying Dutchman Tobacco Tin
COL. Nilus Egyptomi Pictorial Tobacco Tin
Nosegay Special Tobacco Tin.
COL. Notaras Princess Tobacco Tin
COL. Obels Bali Shag Cigarettes Tin
COL. Ogden's Guinea Gold Cigarettes Cork Tin
COL. Ogden's Juggler Tobacco Tin
COL. Ogden's Lanyard Circular Tobacco tin
COL. Ogden's Redbreast Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Ogden's St. Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Ogden's St. Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Ogden's Turret Flake Tobacco Tin
Vintage Ogdens Guinea-Gold Cigarette Tin.
COL. Ogdens' Guinea-Gold Cigarettes Tin
COL. Old Gold cigarettes Tin
COL. Old Holborn Tobacco Tin
COL. Old Virginia Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Opera Cigars House Of Lords Tin
Osborne no 35 Cigarettes Tin
COL. Otto De Rose Cigarettes Tin
COL. Otto De Rose Thomas Ogden Cigarettes Tin
COL. P. Lorillard Co. Tiger Chewing Tobacco Tin Box
COL. Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes Tin
COL. Panter Mignon Tobacco Tin
Vintage Park Drive Tipped Cig Tin.
COL. Past & Present No.12 Smoking Mixture Tobacco Tin
COL. Peace Japan Monopoly Cigarettes Tin
COL. Philip Morris & Co. Buckingham Cigarettes Tin
COL. Philipp Cokkalis Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Phillies Tobacco Tin
COL. Pioneer Brand Tobacco Tin
COL. Piper Heidsieck Chewing Tobacco Tin
Col. Player Cigarettes Tin
COL. Player's Bachelor Tobacco Tin
COL. Player's Bachelor Tobacco Tin
COL. Player's Country Life Cigarettes Tin
COL. Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
COL. Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
COL. Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
COL. Player's Navy Mixture Tobacco Tin
COL. Players Country Life Cigarettes Tin
COL. Players Whiskey Flake Tobacco Tin
Pride of Virginia Sliced Plug Tobacco Tin.
COL. Prince Albert Crimp Cut Tobacco Tin
COL. Prince Albert Tobacco Tin
COL. Prince De Monaco Ed. Laurens Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Prince Filter Menthol Cigarettes Tin
COL. Prinz Heinrich Cigarettes Tin
COL. Punchbowle Barneys Tobacco Tin
COL. Queen Nestor Gianaclis Pictorial Tobacco Tin
COL. Ranch South African Tobacco Tin
COL. Rare John Players Antique Pictorial Country Life Tobacco Tin.
COL. Regie Ottoman Tobacco Tin
COL. Reitschule Extra Tobacco Tin
COL. Revelation Tobacco Tin
COL. Rich Dark Honeydew Pictorial Tobacco Tin
COL. Richmond Best Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
COL. Richmond Gem Tobacco Tin
COL. Ringer's Virginia Returns Cigarette Tobacco Tin
COL. Ritmeester Corona Tobacco Tin
COL. Ritmeester Illustros Tobacco Tin
COL. Ritmeester Major Tobacco Tin
COL. Ritmeester Tobacco Tin
COL. Rothman's Pall Mall Virginia Cigarettes Tin
COL. Rothmans De Luxe Pall Mall Cigarette Tin.
COL. Rothmans De Luxe Tobacco Tin
COL. Rothmans De Luxe Tobacco Tin
COL. Rothmans Pall Mall Tobacco Tin
COL. Royal Twist Mac Barens Tobacco Tin
COL. Royalty Cigarettes Tin
COL. Royalty Cigarettes Tin
COL. Salmon Gluckstein Candy Fifth Cigarettes Tin
COL. Salonica Cairo Egypt Pictorial Cigarette Tin
COL. Sarony Cigarettes Tin
Vintage Sarony Silk Cut Virginia Cigarette Tin.
COL. Savory Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Scaferlati Levant French Tobacco Tin
COL. Schimmelpenninck Florina Tobacco Tin
COL. Schimmelpenninck Mono Cigars Tin
Seita Week-End Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Senoussi Arabic Tobacco Tin
COL. Senoussi Reemtsma Cigarettes Tin
COL. Set Of 10 Australian Pictorial Matchbox
COL. Set of 10 Brymay Redheads Matchbox
COL. Set of 9 Federal Matchbox
COL. Silk Cut Cork Tipped Cigarettes Tin
COL. Simon Arzt Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Simon Arzt Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Simon Arzt Egyptian Paper Label Tobacco Tin
COL. Simon Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Sinclair Foursome Mixture Tobacco Tin
Skandinavik Danish Pipe Tobacco Tin.
Sobranie Black Russian Cigarettes Packet.
COL. Sobranie Cigarettes Tin
COL. Sonderklasse Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
COL. Soussa Egyptian Paper Label Tobacco Tin
COL. Spinet Virginia Cigarette Tin
COL. Spinet Virginia Cigarettes Tin
COL. Springbok cigarettes Tin
COL. Standaard Kareli Tobacco Tin
COL. State Express 333 Tobacco Tin
State Express 555 Cigarettes Tin.
COL. State Express 555 Filter Kings Tobacco Tin
COl. State Express 777 Cigarettes Tin
COL. State Express Cigarettes No. 555 Tobacco Tin
COL. State Express Cigarettes Tin
COL. State Express Cigarettes Tin
COL. Stephen Mitchell & Son , Glasgow Tam O'Shanter Tobacco Tin
COL. Stephen Mitchell & Son Tam O'Shanter Tobacco Tin
COL. Suerdick Bahia Sumatra Tobacco Tin
COL. Sultan Flor Parallel Schnitt Tobacco Tin
COL. Sultan Simon Egyptian Cigarettes Tin
COL. Supreme Pernot Pictorial Tobacco Tin
COL. Sweet Briar W.T Davies & Sons. Chester Tobacco Tin
COL. Sweet Caporal Cigarettes Tin
COL. Tabacs Vander Elst Tobacco Tin
COL. Tabakova Rezie Hercegnovski Flor Tobacco Tin
COL. Tam O'Shanter Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Tam O'shanter Tobacco Tin
COL. Tam O'Shanter Tobacco Tin
Antique Tam O'Shanter Pictorial Tobacco Tin.
COL. The Balkan Sobranie Cigarettes Tin
COL. The Balkan Sobranie Tobacco Tin
COL. Theodor Vafiadis Egyptian Tobacco Tin
COL. Thomas Carlyle Tobacco Tin
COL. Tiedemanns Tobacco Tin
COL. Tom Moore Tobacco Tin
COL. Tortoiseshell Smoking Mixture Tobacco Tin
COL. Tuckett's Orinoco Pictorial Tobacco Tin
COL. Turmac Orange Tobacco Tin
COL. Turmac Rouge Tobacco tin
COL. Turnbull Kaisar-I-Hind Cigarettes Tin
COL. Turret Ogden's Liverpool Cigarettes Tin
COL. Van Rossem's Plakejes Tobacco Tin
COL. Velvet Pipe & Cigarettes Tin
COL. Velvet Pipe Tobacco Tin
COL. Victor Hugo Tobacco Tin
COl. Vintage Patterson's Seal Cut Plug 1930. Lunch Pail Cigarettes tin
Vintage Pioneer Brand Tobacco Tin
COL. Vintage Redheads 1981 Royal Wedding Entire Match Collection
Vintage Riverhead Gold Pictorial Cig Tin. Circa 1920,s
COL. Vintage Scissors Cigarettes Case
COL. Vintage Waldorf-Astoria Blue Points Germany Tobacco Tin
COL. Virgin Shag Arnold Tobacco Tin
COL. Virginia Cigarettes Dymock Howden Tobacco Tin
COL. Virginias De Reszke Cigarettes Tin
Vintage W,D & H,O Wills STAR Cigarette Tin. RARE TO HAVE CONTENTS.
COL. W.D. & H.O Wills Tobacco Tin
COL. Walker Universal Louisville, Ky. Tobacco Tin
Vintage Waltham's Gold Flake Cigarette Tin.
COL. Wascana Cigars Tobacco Tin
A Early Waverly Virginia Pictorial Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Welta , Roisin Tobacco Tin
COL. Willem II Tobacco Tin
COL. Wills Bulwark Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
COL. Wills Cut Golden Bar Tobacco Tin
COL. Wills Embassy Cigarettes Tin
COL. Wills Embassy Cigarettes Tin
COL. Wills Embassy Cigarettes Tin
COL. Wills Handy Cut Flake Tobacco Tin
COL. Wills Legation Mixture Tobacco Tin
COL. Wills Legation Navy Cut Tobacco tin
COL. Wills Navy Cut Cigarettes Tiv
COL. Wills Old Dominion Smoking Mixture
COL. Wills Old Dominion Smoking Tobacco Tin
COL. Wills THe "Three Caftles" Cigarettes Tin
COL. Wills Wild Woodbine Cigarette Holder
COL. Winchester Cigarettes Tin
Vintage Winfred London Virginia Cigarettes Tin.
A Rare World War 2 Christmas 1944 Tin. Leeds City Council Coat of Arms.
Kentucky Club Greenbrier Pipe Tobacco Tin.
Kentucky Club London Dock Tobacco Tin.
Kentucky Club Whitehall Mixture Tobacco Tin.
Craven "A" Virginia Cork Tipped 50 Cigarettes Red Tin
Craven A Cigarette Tin
14cm wide
Craven A Cigarette Tin
14cm wide
Craven A, Navy Cut Cigarette Tin
Craven Plain Cigarette Tin
9cm long
8cm deep
DeReszke Majors 50,, Cigarette Tin.
Doral Welcome to Tobaccoville Pictorial Tin.
Du Maurier Vigina Cigarette Carton
9cm tall
17cm wide
Duncans Waterproof Wax Vestas Tin.
Dunhill Early Morning Pipe , Tobacco tin
Dunhill Light Flake Tobacco Tin. Very clean tin.
Dunhill Light Flake Virginia Pipe Tobacco Tin.
Dunhill Royal Yacht Tobacco Tin
8cm diameter
Dunhill Virginia Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin
The Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture Tobacco Tin
Ed Laurens Scarabee Cigarette Tin
15cm wide
ED. Laurens "Le Khedive" Égyptiennes Cigarettes Tin
Edgeworth Pipe Tobacco Tin
11cm tall
Edgeworth Pipe Tobacco Tin
8cm long
6cm wide
Edgeworth Tobacco Tin
8cm wide
Embassy Cigarettes Shop Display Card With Dummy Packet
24cm tall
Embossed Murry Sons & Co Ltd Tobacco Can. Belfast- London-Glasgow-
Erinmore Flake Pipe TObacco Tin
Express Navy Cut Cigarette Carton
4cm tall
20cm wide
Faulkners Nosegay Virginia Cigarette Tin in good order has some scratches and some paintloss measures 24x12x9cm
French GIR China Advertising Figure
22cm tall
Gallaher's Park Drive Cigarettes Advertising Card
19cm wide x 28cm high
Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Flake Tin.
Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Tobacco Tin.
Gallahers Condor Sliced Tobacco Can, London & Belfast
Gallahers HoneyDew Tobacco Tin
Gallahers Rich Dark Honey Dew Cigarette Tin very nice pictorial tin in good order
Gallahers Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Gold Block Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Gold Flake Honey Dew Tobacco Tin
Headway Flake One Pound Tobacco Tin
Hospodar Cigarette Tin measures 13.5 x 7 x 4.5cm
Job Rolling Machine Advertising Display Card
17cm tall
John Players Cigarette Tin a nice cake slice style tin in good condition for age has some scratches and some minor paint loss but no major dents and is a very collectable tin
Kensitas Cigarette Tin (50 pack)
Kensitas Flat fifty Cigarette Tin
16cm wide
Kensitas Flat fifty Cigarette Tin
15cm wide
A Rare Pictorial Kim Cigarette Square Enamel Wall Hanging Rubbish Bin Adv Sign.
40cm square x 55cm high
King Edward Cigars Shop Display Card
26cm tall
Lambert & Butler's coarse cut waverley mixture great condition some slight wearing and scratches no dents measures 13cm x 9cm x5cm
Lambert & Buttlers Tobacco Tin
Large Freedom Cigarette Tin.
Le Khedive Cigarettes Egyptiennes Ed. Lauren's Prince Monaco Cigarettes Tin
Lloyds Bondsman Tobacco tin
7cm diameter
LLoyds Old Holborn Tobacco Tin
Louis DObbelmann Royal Crown Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin
Lovely Small Pictorial Cat Tin. Possibly for Pills or Snuff.
Memphis Tradition 100 Cigarette Tin
MICK MC QUAID Cut Plug Tobacco Tin.
Mick McQuaid Square Cut Tobacco Tin
Mick McQuaid Tobacco Pictorial 50g Tin
Milford Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
Montan-Union Brasil Vintage Blue and Gold Tobacco Tin Box Container
Montgomery & Bartlett Smoking MixtureTin (Retro)
Muratti "After Lunch" Cigarettes Tin
Muratti "After Lunch" Cigarettes Tin
Muratti "After Lunch" Cigarettes Tin
Muratti Ariston Tobacco Tin
Muratti Gold Tipped Ariston Cigarettes Tin
Muratti Mura Cigarettes Tin
Murattis After Lunch Cigarette Tin
9cm wide
Murattis After Lunch Cigarette Tin
9cm wide
Murattis After Lunch Cigarettes Tin a nice tin with no dents has some scratches and marks but overall a nice clean tin
Murray's Erinmore Flake 50g Tobacco Tin.
Murrays Mixture Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Nosegay Special Tobacco Tin
Nosegay Tobacco Enamel Advertising Thermometer. Very nice example, good colour and gloss.
68cm tall
19cm wide
Nut Brown Tobacco Enamel Advertising Thermometer Sign . Lovely clean example.
18cm wide x 57cm high
Odgens Anfield Tobacco Shop Display Card
18cm wide
Ogden's St Julien Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Ogden's Aintree Flake Tobacco Tin.
Ogdens Sliced Walnut Plug Tobacco Tin
Ogdens St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
16cm wide
Ogdens St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
16cm wide
Ogdens St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
9cm wide
Ogdens St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
8.5cm wide
Ogdens St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
10cm wide
Ogdens St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin
9cm Square
Ogdens St Julien Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Ogdens St Julien Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Old Mahogany Flake Cut Tobacco Tin
One Pound Ogden's St Bruno Flake Tin.
Peerage Cigarettes Tin Murray & Sons Ltd
Peerage Cigarettes Tin Murray & Sons Ltd
Peter Jackson 50 Cigarette Can. Paper Label.
Peterson Fine Cut Tobacco Tin
Phillips Golden Honey Dew Cigarette Tin measures 11x8x2
FRAMED Piccadilly Number One Cigarettes Advertising Card
24cm high x 18cm wide.
Pictorial Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Pioneer Brand Cigarette Tin
Pioneer Brand Richmond Cavendish Golden Flake Tobacco Tin
Pioneers Brand Golden Flake Cavendish Tobacco Tin
Player's Medium Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
Player's Medium Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
Player's Medium Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
Player's Medium Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
Player's Medium Navy Cut Tobacco Tin.
Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes "Medium" Tobacco Tin
Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
Player's Navy Mixture Framed Advertising poster
31cm wide x 22cm high
Players Airman Printers Proof measures 44cm x 31cm
Players Bachelor Cigarette Tin
Players Country Life Mixture Cigarette tin
10cm wide
PLayers Navy Cut Medium Cigarette box (cardboard)
Players Navy Cut Tin in good order has slight dent to lid and some surface scratches measures 17x7x5cm
Players Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Players Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Players Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
9cm wide
Players Navy Mixture Tobacco Tin
Players Pictorial Tobacco Tin
11cm diameter
Players Whiffs Cigar Tin
13cm wide
10cm deep
Players Whiskey Brown Flake
7cm wide
Players Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Players Whiskey Brown Flake Tin
11cm wide
Players Whiskey Flake Tobacco Tin
Preferidos Belgium De Ridder & Hughes Turnhout Cigars Pictorial Tin
Prince De Monaco Cigarette Tin
8cm wide
Prince De Monaco Cigarette Tin
8cm wide
Prince De Monaco Cigarettes Tin 8x7x1.5cm
Punchbowl Barneys Full Strength Tobacco Tin
Richmond Medium Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
Rothman's Pall Mall Turkish Cigarettes No.3 Tin
Rothmans Deluxe Pall Mall Cigarettes Tin
Rothmans Gold Flake Cigarette Tin
Rothmans Gold Flake Tobacco Tin
16cm wide
Rothmans Pall Mall Virginia Medium Cigarettes Tin
Rothmans Rodesian Cigarette Tin
15cm wide
8cm deep
Salmon & Gluksteins Dandy Fifth Cigarette Tin in good order has some marks and some scratches measures 14x7x3cm
Sarony Cigarette Tin
14cm wide
Sarony Cigarettes Silk Cut Virginia Tin.
Sarony Cigarettes Tin
14cm wide
9cm deep
Senior Service Cigarette Tin
Senior Service Cigarette Tin
14cm wide
Senior Service Cigarettes Tin
Set Of 4 Redheads Matchbox
Silver Crest Cigarette Tin
Smokers Ashtray Stand
24cm wide x 62cm high
Snake Charmer Cigarettes Tin
12cm wide
State Express 25 Cigarettes Tin
State Express 777 Cigarette Tin
Stephen Mitchell & Son Glasgow , Tam O'Shanter Tobacco Tin
Stunning Framed Ogdens Tobacco Pictorial Adv Card. In wonderful original condition. 72cm x 60cm
Tam O Shanter Tobacco Tin
8cm wide
Tam O Shanter Tobacco Tin
15cm wide
Tam On Shanter Tobacco Tin
16cm wide
Temple Bar Sweet Slice Tobacco Tin
The Balkan Sobraine Tobacco Tin
11cm diameter
The Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture Tin
The Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture Tin
The Balkan Sobranie Virginia No.10 Tobacco Tin
The Balkan Sobranie Virginian No. 10 Cigar Leaf Tobacco Tin
Thomson $ Porteous Ltd Luntin Medium Mixture Tobacco Can. Paper Label.
Three Castle Cigarettes Tin
Three Castles Cigarette Tin
14cm wide
Three Kings Tobacco Tin
13cm wide
Three Nuns Cigarettes Glascow Tobacco Tin
Tortoiseshell Cigarette Tin
10cm long
W.D.&H.O. Wills, Traveller Brand Golden Flaked Cavendish Tobacco Tin
Velta Tobacco tin
11cm wide
Vintage 20 Wilde Cigarrillos Tin.
Vintage 25 Sçhimmelpenninck Duet Tin.
Vintage 50 Player's No 3 Virginia Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Abdulla Cigarette Tin Paper Label.
Vintage Abdulla Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tin.
Vintage Ardath 100 Cork Tipped Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Ardath De Luxe 100 Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Ariston Virginia Cigarettes Tin. By Muratti & Sons London.
Vintage Ashton Cork Tipped Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Balkan Sobranie Pictorial Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture Tin.
Vintage Black Players Navy Cut 50 Medium Cut Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Black Players Navy Cut 50 Medium Cut Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Brown Bakelite Art Deco Ashtray
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Ardath London Tin
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Curzon De Luxe Tin
Vintage Cigarette Tin. De Reszke 20 Cig Tin.By Godfrey Phillips ( Aust ) pty ltd Melbourne Australia.
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Four Square, Elizabeth 11 Royal Tour 1954 Tin. By George Dobie & Son Australia Ltd ( Melbourne )
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Mills Special England's Luxury Tin.
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Mullins & Westley Covent 18 King Size Cig Tin
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Schimmelpenninch 20 Media Cigarros Tin.
Vintage Clear Glass Eye Wash Cup with a Round Stem Base.
Vintage Craven A Smith Sectric Advertising Wall Clock. Has Not Been Tested.
Vintage CWS Silk Cut 50 Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Davidoff Danish Mixture 50g Tobacco Tin.
Vintage De Reszke Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Dunhill Aromatic Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Early Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture Pictorial Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Fatima Turkish Blend Cigarette Tin.
Vintage Four Square Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Freemans No.1 Menthol Cigarettes Can.
Vintage Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Flake Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Flake Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Gallaher's Park Drive Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Henri Winterman's Long Panatellas Can.
Vintage Henri Wintermans Panatella Tin.
Vintage Henri Wintermans TEE VEES 50 Sigaren Tin.
Vintage Hofnar 5 Sigaren Pictorial Packet.
Vintage John Cotton Extra Fine Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage John Cotton ( The Edinburgh Cigarette ) Plastic Cigarette Box.
Vintage Kensitas Standard Size Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Kung Hay Fat Choi Cigarette tin.
Vintage Larsen Flake Cut Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Lucerne 3 Compartment Match Case, Complete with Matches.
Vintage Match Box Case, King St Bridge..
Vintage Monopole Cigars Leather Case. In nice original condition.
Vintage Monopole Magnums Mild Cigars Tin.
Vintage Nut Brown Tobacco Vertical Strip Enamel Sign.
with good Gloss.. 30cm wide x 160cm high.
Vintage Ogden's St Bruno Flake Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Ogdens St Julien Tobacco Can.
Vintage PERA 100 Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Piccadilly Number One Cigarette Tin Packed for B.O.A.C by Carreras ltd London.
Vintage Piccadilly Number One Cigarette Tin. Duty Free for H.M.Shipps Only
Vintage Player's Whiskey Brown Flake Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Ringers Virginia Returns Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Sea King Long Size Filter Cigarette Tin. Made in Malaysia for Gallaher International.
Vintage St Bruno Ready Rubbed Tobacco Tin.
Vintage State Express 555 BOAC 25 Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Cesare Borgia Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Douwe Egberts House Blend Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Four Square Fine Cut Tin
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Germain's Honey Cake Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Gold Block Pipe Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Gold Block Pipe Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Mahogany Flake 1 oz Tin
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Nut Brown Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Ogden's St Bruno Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Old Holborn Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Player's Sun Valley Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Player's Whiskey Ready Rubbed Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Punchbowl Barneys Tin
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Ranch Continental Style Tin
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Ringer's A1 Light Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Rubicon Spun Cut Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Wills Cut Golden Bar Tin.
Vintage Uiltje Subliem 10 Sigaren Tin.
Vintage W.O Larsen Selected Blend No 32 Curly Flake Tobacco Tin. Made in Denmark.
Vintage Walters Medium Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin.
Vintage Well Worn Craven"A" Circular Enamel Sign.
61cm wide x 56cm high.
Vintage Will's Gold Flake Cigarettes Double Sided Post Mount Enamel Sign in Good Original Condition.
38cm wide x 28cm high.
Vintage Will's Gold Flake Cigarettes Double Sided Post Mount Enamel Sign in Good Original Condition.
38cm wide x 28cm high.
Vintage Wills Bulwark Cut Plug Tobacco Enamel Sign. 22x60ins.
Virginia Gold Block Cut Plug Tobacco Tin
Virginia Imperial Tobacco Cut Plug Gold Block Tobacco Tin
Virginia Tobacco W.D.&H.O Wills Bristol & London The "Three Caftles " Cigarettes Tin
Virginia Tobacco W.D.&H.O Wills The "Three Caftles " Cigarettes Tin
W.D & H.O. Wills Gold Flake Honey Dew Tobacco Tin
Warlock Brand Tobacco Tin
14cm square
Welta Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Welta Tobacco Tin
12cm wide
Whitbread Trophy China Ashtray
Will Capstan Navy Cut Cigarette Box (Cardboard)10x7x3cm
Wills 3 Castles Cigarette Tin
Wills capstan enamel sign , in great condition....9x28ins
Wills Cut Golden Bar Tobacco Tin
Wills Cut Golden Bar Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Wills Cut Golden Bar Tobacco Tin
7cm diameter
Wills Cut Golden Bar Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
Wills Star Cigarettes Ashtray good condition with no chips or cracks
Wills Three Caftles Cigarette Tin
18cm long
9cm deep
Wills Wild Woodbine Cigarette Carton
4cm tall
20cm wide
Wills Woodbine Framed Shop Display Card. 55cm x 40cm.
Wills's Bulwark Cut Plug Pipe Tobacco Tin
Wilsons & Co Sharrow Mill , Sheffield Strasbourg Snuff
With Contents
Zig Zag Tobacco Tin
11cm wide
COL. Bears Dark Tobacco Tin
COL. Cavander's Navy Cut 500 Cigarettes Tin
COL. Robert Sinclair's Noxall Tobacco Tin
Clarence Virginia Cigarettes Tin
COL. Capstan Navy Cut Tobacco Tin
COL. Cogetama Fameux Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher's Cut Golden Bar Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Tobacco Tin
COL. Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew Tobacco Tin
COL. Harlequin Flake Tobacco Tin
Kentucky Club Mild Tobacco Tin.
COL. Liggett & Myers Velvet Pipe and Cigarettes Tobacco
Lloyds Bondman Bar Cigarette Tobacco Tin.
A Rare Antique Macdonald's Kilty Brand Cut Golden Bar Pictorial Tobacco Tin.
Antique Murattis After Lunch Pictorial Cigarettes Tin.
COL. Murattis' Pictorial Cigarettes Tin
COL. Player's Country Life Pictorial Tobacco Tin
COL. Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes Tin
COL. Salmon Gluckstein Cigarettes Tin
COL. Salmon & Gluckstein Navy Cigarettes Tin
COL. Set Of 12 Vintage Matchbox
COL. Set Of 4 Redheads Matchbox
COL. Silver Fern Smoking Tobacco 3lbs Tin
COL. St. Andrews Stanwell Tobacco Tin
COL. State Express Cigarettes Tin
COL. Sunset Club Tobacco Tin
COL. Tam O'Shanter Tobacco Tin
COL. W.D & H.O Wills Capstan Navy Cut
COL. Wills Capstan De Luxe Cigarettes Tin
Contemporary Players Navy Cut Cigarettes & Tobacco Pictorial Mirror. 43cm wide x 61cm high.
Early The Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture Tobacco Tin
Edgeworth Tobacco Tin
8cm wide
Genuine Dunhill Cigarettes Milk Bar Advertising Wall Clock.
20cm wide x 36cm high.
Murray's Erinmore Flake Tobacco Tin
Ogdens Coolie Cut Plug Tobacco Sign. 90cm x 60cm
Pictorial Vintage Celluloid Showcard Advertising Kensitas Cigarettes. # 15cm wide x 30cm high.
Samuel Gawith & Co , Ltd , Squadron Leader Curly Cut Tobacco Tin
Stunning & Rare Carreras Black Cat Cigarettes Pictorial Showcard. Showing a Glamorous Lady with a Black Cat on Her Lap.. Wonderful Condition & Subject.
28cm wide x 46cm high,
Vintage Carreras Golden Cypher Cigarettes Flip Top Tin.
Vintage Cigarette Tin. Black Players Navy Cut 50 Medium Tin
Vintage LAURENS Cigarettes Oval Pictorial Enamel Sign, Depicting Spinx & Pyramid's. In excellent condition.
80cm wide x 60cm high.
Vintage Murray's Mellow Smoking Mixture Canister. BELFAST.
Vintage Murray's Mellow Smoking Mixture Canister. BELFAST.
Vintage Ringer's A1 Light Tobacco Tin.
Vintage Tobacco Tin.. Godfrey Phillip's Grand Cut Tobacco Tin.
Will's Star Tin Shop Sign in very good order measures 30cm across
Wills Capstan Tobacco Tin
9cm wide